Patent Notice

1. Patent Notice and Intellectual Property Enforcement

Stashlers Pvt. Ltd. India ("Company") is the sole & exclusive licence holder of patents protecting the unique design, technology, and functionalities of our products in both India and the USA. Our patented products are covered by one or more patents registered under the relevant intellectual property laws in these jurisdictions.


2. Unauthorised Use and Legal Consequences

You are hereby notified that any unauthorised attempt to manufacture, reproduce, distribute, sell, or otherwise exploit products that are covered by our parents without explicit written permission from Stashlers Pvt. Ltd. constitutes a direct infringement of our intellectual property rights. This includes but is not limited to:

- Replicating or manufacturing our patented products or any substantial portion thereof.

- Selling, offering for sale, or distributing any product that falls within the scope of our patents.

- Using our patented technology or design in a manner that infringes upon our patents.


3. Legal Action and Remedies

Stashlers Pvt. Ltd. is fully prepared to enforce our patent rights to the fullest extent permitted by law. We will take immediate legal action against any individual or entity that violates our patent rights. Such actions may include:

- Initiating lawsuits seeking damages, injunctions, and other legal remedies.

- Pursuing claims for statutory damages, actual damages, and any other compensatory and punitive damages allowed by law.

- Seeking recovery of all legal costs and attorney fees incurred as a result of the infringement.


4. Reporting Infringements

If you become aware of any unauthorised use or potential infringement of our patents, we urge you to report it to us immediately. Contact us at / to provide details of the suspected infringement.


5. Acknowledgment

By using our products or services, you acknowledge and agree to comply with our patent rights. Any breach of these terms will be considered a serious infringement and will be met with appropriate legal action.